Let’s be realistic. It’s awesome to have childcare available to get to your favorite fitness class, but it’s not always feasible. And we know flexibility and convenience are cornerstones of keeping up with your fitness goals. Here, I share some of my personal explorations of “making it work” with a baby at home. These exercises are what made sense for me, after two months of focused foundational exercises for the core and hips.
Feel free to try them, knowing that some moves are more advanced than others. Don’t jump into it if you are having back pain, pelvic pressure, or a diastasis that has not been checked out. Or, we can work on exercises together to build an at-home workout that makes sense for you, as part of our MomStrong program.
Suggested Duration: 6-18 minutes (or until baby is over it) 1 min/exercise, 1-3 times through
Baby Bird-Dog
Side Plank with Rotation Tickle
Airplane Abs
Baby Sumo Squats
Straight Leg Baby Lifts
Twisting Baby Lunge
Contact Zion Physical Therapy to schedule an appointment online or in person at one of our four convenient locations:
Phone: 212-353-8693 Office Email: frontdesk@zionpt.com Online Form: Request Appointment